Activity Bank

These activities below allow persistence, problem-solving, and creativity while learning another language. Take a look below for some activities to jump in and explore.

Try something new

Choose An Activity

Catch The Bus

In this project, you will create an animation with sprites that run or fly to catch a bus.

In this project, you will make a game where you move a shark around to try and catch fish.

Move the bear and leave a trail of color behind you, using the pen extension.

Mega Maze

In this game, you are a mouse who needs to get through a maze to get to the cheese. Don’t get caught by the cat though!

The walker is being chased by a bee. Avoid the bee and try not to be stung!


Create a game in which you have to guide a parrot past scrolling pipes to score points.

Cat goes skiing

In this project, you will create a skiing game in which you have to avoid randomly appearing obstacles to score points.

In this game, the objective is to keep yourself up in the air. You only float when you touch the platform. How long before you hit the bottom.

Shoot at clay targets and see how many you can hit. Games such as first-person shooters, rail shooters, or even Fruit Ninja have a similar design.


In this game, each player makes one type of mark, either: X or O. The winner is the player who gets three in a row!

In this project, you’ll learn how to create a platform game in which the player has to dodge moving balls to reach the end of the level.


In this project, you’ll learn how to create a platform game in which the player has to dodge moving balls to reach the end of the level.

Use the pen and cloning to create a self generating terrain for your player sprite to walk on. 
Challenge: Add random obstacles that block the path, your sprite should jump over or on them. Add a score.

Move Den-bot up and down with the arrow keys. In this project, the “# of hits” display should increase by 1 every time the Den-bot is hit by lightning. But the “# of hits” increases by more than 1 when Den-bot is hit.

The cat should go forward and back on the scene forever. Instead it remains on the left.
Two constrains:
1) You can’t use the block [if on edge, bounce]
2) The cat has to start at x= -250

The “Inventory” list should be updated every time Scratch Cat picks up a new item. But Scratch Cat can only pick up the water.

Debug It - Cat and Mouse

The blu cat isn’t moving in a loop like the orange one. 

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